My weekend- sit down- watch a movie -match socks job is done. I have always- and I mean always- since the boys were very young had a problem with socks. I have tried many different approaches to the battle of the socks such as buying all the same, only buying each kid 7 pairs, ect, ect. But some how....
We always end up with this. Where are the matches to all these? I honestly do not know. Strange. Very strange. Looks like some of those are real dirty and should just go in the trash. When mom is here, she loves to match the socks. I bet she is looking at this picture now and saying, "Oh, I see a match right there!" LOL! Yep, she will also say "You need to just throw a little bleach in them socks!"
Anyone else have a sock problem???
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Posted by Sondra at 3:42 AM 13 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Oh, so many good things are happening here. Let's see... where do I begin....
Sandy got a nice card from his company for being there for five years. They are also going to do something special for him. Then on Friday he found out that he got an award. Here he is showing off the fax they sent about it. He was not happy with this picture because he looks so rough- but he had to be at work at 4am. What do you expect! He will also be published in the monthly magazine. He works for High Industries which is based out of PA. They are a huge company and widely known for building all the large steel bridges and such. They also have a small amount of real estate around the US. I am telling this so that you understand how special it is for him to get recognition. I am so proud of him. This is the At A Boy award! Yep- I've been having fun with that one :) Here is what is says:
Below are pictures of Sandy's At a Boy project. Sandy rebuilt the walkway to Builing 310-321 at Beacon Ridge in South Carolina. By completing this project in-house the community incureed a substantial cost saving and got a really nice job!
Next-- on Friday we had a customer come in. He works for the local Salvation Army. He said that God had over blessed them and he wanted to share the blessing with us. He gave us all 4 huge packages of these beef ribs. We already ate one pack.
Then this morning Aaron and I got up very early and went to the local DMV. Oh my, he is driving my new car. 8:00 am and the parking lot is already full.
He was very sure that he would not pass and I was a nervous wreck. He has not really had much practice at all. I was pacing outside and felt like I was going to throw up! I knew if he had done really bad that they would not let him even try to parallel park. Well, he came around the curve and parked it in perfect on the first try. See...
Well, look who got his license. He looks awful tired. The stress must have gotten the best of him.
And he got it on the first try too. No one in this family has those bragging rights. He already took off driving today. The boys all went to celebrate their grandmothers 70th birthday. He drove Wes and Billy drove his car with Austin in it. It was strange watching them all drive away like that.
Sandy was at work all day and the boys were gone. The house was so quiet. I was very unhappy with being alone all day, but then I put some old records on and cleaned house.
Also, Wes is back home from Florida. I have a post to do about that later. He got a full time job here starting on Monday.
And the best news of all!!! My very very best friend Lynn is having a baby! Here is a picture of her at the ripe old age of 15! She always did look much older than she was. When she called to tell me she was pregnant, I had tears in my eyes. I am so happy for her. She had a set of twins around the same time that I did. Hers were boys. However, she was a very, very young teenager and was forced to give them up for adoption. She has struggled deeply with this for many years. Her loss and mine are different but yet we feel each others pain. Her boys will soon be 18 and she would love to be reunited with them one day. Her and her husband were not trying to have a baby. Her step son is also a teenager. But like she says, "Things happen for a reason" and she is happy about it. I told her not to let anyone say anything negative to her about this because SHE DESERVES THIS. She deserves to be a mother more than anyone I know . And she will be a good one! This is the two of us on the day she found those yummy gluten free oreos for me. Wow, we have both really aged!
Ok, so since I showed her youthful Glamour Shot, I will show mine too!
If you are reading this Lynn- I love you and I am so, so happy for you!!!
Posted by Sondra at 2:08 PM 6 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
111- yes -111
That was the temperature here yesterday. Our A/C has gone out at work and it has been miserable. They are having to order a new unit so today will be day number three of working in the heat. We did get to go home early one day. We have been turning off all the lights to keep cool and we have been eating a lot of popsicles. :)Dennis drove the golf cart over to the store to buy us some popsicles.
Jeanne cooling off with a blue one. Turning the lights out has helped it stay a little cooler. Can you see the blue popsicle?
Louanne with her orange one. We all were showing off our colored tounge afterwards. We have been having a good time walking around bare foot, working in the dark and eating cool treats, but it will be nice to have cool air again soon.
Posted by Sondra at 3:43 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Posted by Sondra at 3:18 PM 6 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008

I am not sure where I am going to put it and I don't have a land line phone to put on it but I like it! :)
Posted by Sondra at 5:07 AM 13 comments